
St Anne's Late 17th century Church

A church built on this site in the late 12th century is said to have incorporated a wall from an even earlier church. In 1320 it underwent major reconstruction, when the walls were heightened and the roof was slated. I am not sure when a belfry was added to the west end, but the present tower and church have the appearance of a 17th century building. The church which was confiscated in 1584, during the plantation of Munster, was badly damaged on a few occasions in the 17th century. The damaged occurred during the Confederate and Jacobite wars, after which the church was reported as being beyond repair. St Anne's can be found in the graveyard behind St James' church in the centre of the town.

St James' church is situated on the north side of a park, an area known as 'Magh Ealla'-the plain of the swans, from where the name Mallow was derived. We were very disappointed by the condition of the site. There is no access to the badly overgrown interior of the church.

Situated: Travelling south on the N72 through the town, the road takes a sharp right at Mallow park. take the first right after the Lidl Store. Walk through the grounds of St James' Church.

Discovery Map 80: W 5621 9818. Last visit June 2018.

Longitude: 8° 38' 22"W

Latitude: 52° 8' 2" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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